Glider Goodies Pulley Sugar Glider Toy Sugar Bear toy, Pocket Pet toy, Bird toy, small animal toy, exotic animal toy


Do you have a certain area in your cage that just seems a bit bare? Maybe a corner, or an area that larger toys would seem to overcrowd? If so, this toy is perfect for that stubborn area! Although the Glider Goodies Pulley Toy is a simple looking design it has some amazing perks.

* A treat/foraging cup is a hit with every sugar glider! Cups are a great feature to hide some of your gliders' favorite treats inside and encourage them to "hunt" for their food. This keeps their senses sharp and their curious minds active! Sugar gliders in the wild are opportunistic-feeding omnivores, so the hunting behavior is something that they naturally look to engage.

* At the bottom of this adorable toy you will find a "pulley". Once your suggies discover how to work the pulley slip chain, every night will be a party night! Don’t be surprised if you see the chain leading back into their pouch in the morning - many gliders love to drag the rings all over their cage and even take them to bed with them!

Cute small toys that your suggies will love

My babies love getting new toys and this company never fails

Amazing! My babies loved them!

I love these things cuz it’s soo cute to watch my gliders get their treat from the cup then try to carry the plastic bracelet with their tail to their hideout.

My Suggies LOVE this so much!

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