Sugar Glider Enrichment Treat- Organic Dried Chamomile Flowers


Dried organic flowers are a fantastic way to treat your gliders to some natural enrichment! Grab a pinch of the dried flower petals and sprinkle them around in the gliders' cage, on a flat surface for bonding activities, or on the floor during regular playtime! Our babies love to roll around in the fun scents and search through the petals to find hidden treats (masking the scent of treats with the flowers makes for some really engaging foraging adventures!) Some gliders will even carry their favorite flowers back to their pouches to build their nest with them.

Enrichment time is so important to keep active minds stimulated. We have a variety of organic, dried flowers on our website for you to choose from. Just like all people do not enjoy all spices, some gliders won't love certain flowers. That's part of the fun with enrichment objects! You are continually providing your gliders with new exciting things to be curious about, which keeps them on their toes and gives them a fun way to engage their senses. Try a variety of different enrichment items to see which ones make your babies go wild!

We have several varieties of organic, dried flowers for sale.

Each bag contains 1 ounce

I love added some flowers for enrichment and they go nuts over it

my sugar gliders enjoy this treat

My gliders (Mowgli and Belle) loved this like cats like cat nip.

I really like, it and they love this!!!

My suggies seem to enjoy this in their toy boxes. I loved the smell. Can tell they are good quality.

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